
Name: {971DBFF7-DD86-46DE-BAB4-8792539BC315} 
Path: CN={971DBFF7-DD86-46DE-BAB4-8792539BC315},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=adscribe,DC=com 
Created: 17/09/2007 
Modified: 17/09/2007 
Original USN: 37035 
Current USN: 37043 
GUID: {E3A5F827-0868-4211-9A1A-ACC024A3DED6} 


Display name: Site Group Policy 


Owner: ADSCRIBE\Domain Admins 
Group: ADSCRIBE\Domain Users 
Allow inheritable permissions from parent:  

Security permissions

Trustee Allow Access Inhereted Children
  ADSCRIBE\Domain Admins    Modify owner
Write permissions
Read permissions
Delete an object
List a tree of objects
Delete a tree of objects
Write the properties
Read the properties
Validate property
Enumerate an object
Delete child object
Create child object 
  ADSCRIBE\Enterprise Admins    Modify owner
Write permissions
Read permissions
Delete an object
List a tree of objects
Delete a tree of objects
Write the properties
Read the properties
Validate property
Enumerate an object
Delete child object
Create child object 
  ADSCRIBE\Domain Admins    Modify owner
Write permissions
Read permissions
Delete an object
List a tree of objects
Delete a tree of objects
Write the properties
Read the properties
Validate property
Enumerate an object
Delete child object
Create child object 
  CREATOR OWNER    Modify owner
Write permissions
Read permissions
Delete an object
List a tree of objects
Delete a tree of objects
Write the properties
Read the properties
Validate property
Enumerate an object
Delete child object
Create child object 
  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM    Modify owner
Write permissions
Read permissions
Delete an object
List a tree of objects
Delete a tree of objects
Write the properties
Read the properties
Validate property
Enumerate an object
Delete child object
Create child object 
  NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users    Read permissions
List a tree of objects
Read the properties
Enumerate an object 
  NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users    Extended access rights    Apply Group Policy 
List a tree of objects
Read the properties
Enumerate an object 
Total: 8 security permission(s)

Audit permissions

Trustee Access Inhereted Children Attribute
  Everyone  Write permissions
Write the properties 
  Everyone  Write the properties    OrganizationalUnit  GPLink 
  Everyone  Write the properties    OrganizationalUnit  GPOptions 
Total: 3 audit permission(s)

See Also

List of group polices